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by Scott Crommentuyn 1 August 2022
Rarotonga Cook Islands - Airport Topographic Survey
8 March 2021
8 March 2021
8 March 2021
8 March 2021
On November 28 th , Advanced Mathematics students from grade 9, 10 and 11 at Norfolk Island Central School became honorary surveyors for a day. Norfolk Island was the site of the latest Maths in Surveying Day, an engaging, challenging event that puts maths students through their paces with a number of activities that show off the mathematic aspects of surveying.
5 September 2020
MACRO Consulting Surveyors would like to convey that we are open and operating business in a manner that is adapting to the ever changing COVID-19 environment. We are committed to ensuring a safe work place for our staff on site, our staff in the office, and for our clients, in order to minimise the spread of COVID-19 and to maintain a healthy workforce. Our COVID-19 Safe Work Policy has been developed to be a fluid document and will be reviewed and amended on a regular basis to keep consistency as National & State Health advice is updated. Additionally, MACRO Surveyors is registered as a COVID Safe Business with the NSW Government
22 August 2020
A recent NSW Supreme Court case highlights the need for caution with Torrens Title land that has a limited title notation as the principle of adverse possession could be applicable. See this recent SMH article Redfern neighbours take fight over 'dunny lane' to appeal court (smh.com.au)  https://www.smh.com.au/national/redfern-neighbours-take-fight-over-dunny-lane-to-appeal-court-20200820-p55nql.html
8 June 2020
In a bid to support the economy, the Australian Government has recently announced a $25,000 cash grant (officially being called the HomeBuilder Stimulus) to eligible owners looking to carry out a new home build or substantial renovations on their home. This grant will only be available to support contracts signed prior to 31 December 2020 so it’s important to act fast and get your renovation projects started.  For most developments of this budget and scale, one of the first steps is to have a Detail Survey of the existing site/dwelling undertaken to support design work and preparation of a development application with your local council. MACRO Consulting Surveyors can assist with this with a range of products from a knock down re-build or complying development, right up to a complex model capturing all the intricacies of the existing site to support detailed design and the development application. We can attend site within a few days of your instruction and provide a product in as little as a week so that you can get your project started quickly. Call us today on 02 66 868939 or email at office@macrosurveyors.com.au and get your project happening now! To obtain the HomeBuilder stiumulus package there are a number of eligibility criteria that you should be aware of - for more information visit https://treasury.gov.au/coronavirus/homebuilder MACRO CONSULTING SURVEYORS PTY LTD | Civil Aviation Safety Authority (casa.gov.au) https://www.casa.gov.au/rpa-operator-certificate-holders/macro-consulting-surveyors-pty-ltd
by Sensis Master 14 April 2020
The NSW Government announced on 3/4/2020 that they are implementing a fast tracked planning system as part of their response to creating jobs in the current COVID-19 crisis.  For more information go to the media release Jobs boost through fast-tracked planning system - (nsw.gov.au) https://www.planning.nsw.gov.au/News/2020/Jobs-boost-through-fast-tracked-planning-system
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